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This study aimed to describe the worst-case scenarios (WCS) of professional soccer players by playing position in different durations and analyse WCS considering different contextual variables (match half, match location and match outcome). A longitudinal study was conducted in a professional soccer team. Data were collected from different WCS durations in the total distance (TD), high-speed running distance (HSRD), and sprinting distance (SPD). A mixed analysis of variance was performed to compare different WCS durations between playing positions and contextual variables, making pairwise comparisons by Bonferroni post hoc test. Positional differences were found for TD (p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.02), HSRD (p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.01) and SPD (p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.02). There was a significant interaction when comparing WCS by match half in TD (F = 6.1, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.07) but no significant differences in HSRD (p = 0.403, ωp2 = 0) or SPD (p = 0.376, ωp2 = 0). A significant interaction was identified when comparing WCS by match location in TD (F = 51.5, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.14), HSRD (F = 19.15, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.05) and SPD (F = 8.95, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.01) as well as WCS by match outcome in TD (F = 36.4, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.08), HSRD (F = 13.6, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.04) and SPD (F = 7.4, p < 0.01, ωp2 = 0.02). Positional differences exist in TD, HSRD, and SPD in match-play WCS, and contextual variables such as match half, match location and match outcome have a significant impact on the WCS of professional soccer players.  相似文献   
The concept of accident in evolution refers to causes which are stochastic with respect to selective demands arising from the external environment and acting on the organism, while the concept of design refers to causes which meet the requirement of these selective demands. The condition ‘with respect to selective demands’ is generally forgotten so that evolutionary changes are described as being design modifications. Design is an invalid synonym for adaptation. Further it implies a designer and has been used by some authors since before Darwin to argue that design in organisms demonstrates the existence of a designer and hence a plan. Yet if evolution depends on two simultaneously acting causes, one of which is accidental, then the process of evolution and all attributes of organisms are accidental. The concept of design is inappropriate in biology and should be eliminated from all biological explanations.  相似文献   
The specific oxygen uptake rate (qO2) of stages of the entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) Steinernema carpocapsae CABA01 in liquid culture was measured. Nematodes were grown into previously pasteurised culture broths of their symbiotic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila, in orbitally agitated flask cultures (VL = 125 mL) at N = 150 rpm and T = 25°C. The basal medium contained 3% (w/v) soy trypticase broth and 0.5% (w/v) yeast extract. The EPNs developed from the egg stage to the adult stage exhibiting qO2 values of 1.92, 5.48, 0.48, 0.28 and 0.0014 [10?1 mmolO2/(gnematode-wet base h)] for the egg-Juvenile 1 (J1), J2, J3, J4 and the adult stages, respectively.  相似文献   
达尔文进化论强调了"物竞天择,适者生存"的理念与逻辑,对动物起源与进化提供了重要解释;然而,为什么会有动物、以及为什么会进化出人类等问题,却仍无答案。在我们实验室近年来从事肥胖及相关慢病研究中发现"饥饿源于菌群"并发展出可通过控制肠道菌群向人体传递的饥饿感的生物技术之后,提出科学假说认为,和人类同样具有消化道结构的动物,很有可能也是受到肠道菌群摄食的胁迫压力而进化的,即动物和人体的消化道以"中空"的拓扑学结构为基础,形成可容纳与相应动物种类相适应的肠道菌群微生态系统。这些肠道菌群终生共生于肠道,通过向动物传递饥饿感而迫使动物摄食而生存,同时肠道菌群也通过动物摄食的营养物质繁殖自己的后代,从而提出了以肠道菌群为中心、动物受肠道菌群胁迫而协同进化的"菌心进化论",是对"宿主进化论"的重要补充和完善,有利于我们从新的角度来理解和诠释动物的起源、进化和发展过程,乃至促进我们逐渐理解自然界从动物进化到人类之后,有可能是在实现从菌群主导的以食物为代表的"物质需求"向人类智慧主导的"精神需求"的新跃迁。  相似文献   
The production and storage of energy from renewable resources steadily increases in importance. One opportunity is to utilize carbon dioxide (CO2)-type hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which are an intriguing group of microorganisms from the domain Archaea, for conversion of hydrogen and CO2 to methane (CH4). This review summarizes the current state of the art of bioprocess development for biological CH4 production (BMP) from pure cultures with pure gasses. The prerequisites for successful quantification of BMP by using closed batch, as well as fed-batch and chemostat culture cultivation, are presented. This review shows that BMP is currently a much underexplored field of bioprocess development, which mainly focuses on the application of continuously stirred tank reactors. However, some promising alternatives, such as membrane reactors have already been adapted for BMP. Moreover, industrial-based scale-up of BMP to pilot scale and larger has not been conducted. Most crucial parameters have been found to be those, which influence gas-limitation fundamentals, or parameters that contribute to the complex effects that arise during medium development for scale-up of BMP bioprocesses, highly stressing the importance of holistic BMP quantification by the application of well-defined physiological parameters. The much underexplored number of different genera, which is mainly limited to Methanothermobacter spp., offers the possibility of additional scientific and bioprocess development endeavors for the investigation of BMP. This indicates the large potential for future bioprocess development considering the possible application of bioprocessing technological aspects for renewable energy storage and power generation.  相似文献   
The postembryonic development of the bony cephalic skeleton in the common sole Solea solea , observed from hatching to the juvenile stage or postmetamorphic larva, appears to follow a similar chronological order to that observed in other Pleuronectiformes and Perciformes and the sequence in bone formation is a response to functional demands. At hatching, S. solea has no bony structure. On day 4, only the outlines of maxillaries and opercular bones are visible. On day 6, a thin parasphenoid appears between the orbits and isolates the braincase from the buccal cavity making food ingestion possible without any impact on the brain. On day 8, the dentaries form and two small preopercular bones appear on each side of the head. On day 9, at weaning from the yolk sac, branchial arches support the gill filaments (used for respiration and trapping phytoplankton which pass through the open mouth). On day 10, the premaxillaries develop in front of the maxillaries. The superimposing of the maxillaries and the premaxillaries is a typical feature of species possessing an acanthopterygian protractile mouth at the adult stage. On day 12, the frontals develop above the orbits and the set of opercular bones is complete. On day 18, the migration of the left eye begins. On day 20, the left eye has moved to the median crest of the head. On day 23, both eyes are located on the same side. On day 26, the braincase is formed by a basioccipital, exoccipitals, pterotics, sphenotics and a supraoccipital. On day 50, new structures have appeared, others have developed and have undergone an extensive remodeling due to metamorphosis.  相似文献   
Survival through periods of resource scarcity depends on the balance between metabolic demands and energy storage. The opposing effects of predation and starvation mortality are predicted to result in trade‐offs between traits that optimize fitness during periods of resource plenty (e.g., during the growing season) and those that optimize fitness during periods of resource scarcity (e.g., during the winter). We conducted a common environment experiment with two genetically distinct strains of rainbow trout to investigate trade‐offs due to (1) the balance of growth and predation risk related to foraging rate during the growing season and (2) the allocation of energy to body size prior to the winter. Fry (age 0) from both strains were stocked into replicate natural lakes at low and high elevation that differed in winter duration (i.e., ice cover) by 59 days. Overwinter survival was lowest in the high‐elevation lakes for both strains. Activity rate and growth rate were highest at high elevation, but growing season survival did not differ between strains or between environments. Hence, we did not observe a trade‐off between growth and predation risk related to foraging rate. Growth rate also differed significantly between the strains across both environments, which suggests that growth rate is involved in local adaptation. There was not, however, a difference between strains or between environments in energy storage. Hence, we did not observe a trade‐off between growth and storage. Our findings suggest that intrinsic metabolic rate, which affects a trade‐off between growth rate and overwinter survival, may influence local adaptation in organisms that experience particularly harsh winter conditions (e.g., extended periods trapped beneath the ice in high‐elevation lakes) in some parts of their range.  相似文献   
目的:分析CAPD患者家属的心理需求,并对其采取相应的护理对策。方法:采取自行设计问卷调查方法,对100例CAPD患者家属的心理需求调查分析。结果:患者家属的心理需求包括:能知道患者治疗方法,希望知道如何协助患者进行治疗,希望出院后遇到治疗操作中的问题能及时得到指导和解决,能定时家庭访问。结论:通过对患者家属的心理需求实施护理对策,满足其心理需求,使其主动参与协作患者治疗及护理,对提高患者的生活质量和生存率起至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
The contribution of the trunk neuromuscular system (TNS) to spine stability has been shown in earlier studies by characterizing changes in antagonistic activity of trunk muscles following alterations in stability demands of a task. Whether and/or how much such changes in the response of TNS to alteration in stability demand of the task alter spinal stiffness remains unclear. To address this research gap, a repeated measure study was conducted on twenty gender-balanced asymptomatic individuals to evaluate changes in trunk bending stiffness throughout the lumbar spine’s range of flexion following alterations in both stability and equilibrium demands of a load holding task. Trunk bending stiffness was determined using trunk stiffness tests in upright posture on a rigid metal frame under different equilibrium and stability demands on the lower back. Increasing the stability demand by increasing the height of lifted load ∼30 cm only increased trunk bending stiffness (∼39%) over the lower range of lumbar flexion and under the low equilibrium demand condition. Similarly, increasing the equilibrium demand of the task by increasing the weight of lifted load by 3.5 kg only increased trunk bending stiffness (55%) over the low range of lumbar flexion and under the low stability demand condition. Our results suggest a non-linear relationship between changes in stability and equilibrium demands of a task and the contribution of TNS to trunk bending stiffness. Specifically, alterations in TNS response to changes in stability and equilibrium demand of a given task will increase stiffness of the trunk only if the background stiffness is low.  相似文献   
王越  林箐 《生物信息学》2018,25(9):40-44
为研究古人在长期适应与改造自然过程中积累的水资源利用及水患治理的经验,选取泉城济南为例,通过古籍、舆图的收集及实地踏查的研究方法,基于区域尺度、城市尺度和城—水相互作用的不同层面,从区域水网格局约束、防洪需求、用水需求3个方面,探讨水环境影响下城市的起源与格局演变,以及基于不同需求的宏观尺度城乡水适应性空间格局特征。进而总结水适应性空间格局营建的生态智慧,分别是顺应自然与利用自然、水利设施层层叠加与协调运作、自然—人工水系网络的内外贯通、依水营建特色居住空间4方面,从而对济南古城水环境及水工设施保护、城市水环境规划提供一定参考  相似文献   
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